Linear Amplifiers

Andrews Communications stocks Australia's largest range of
amateur radio linear amplifiers!


TOPTEK PA-500WH 160m~10m amplifier

NOW ONLY...A$1699

 Free freight Australia-wide!



500W RF output 160m~10m
linear amplifier with 4 x 2SC2879s
and bandpass filters! Due late 2024!

Mock-up image of MLA400 doesn't show LEDs & switches.
Pricing and specifications are subject to confirmation!
Appearance of amplifier may vary from illustration above


160m~10m linear amplifier!




PLEASE NOTE; SHOP HOURS ARE 9am~4pm, Monday~Friday!



Please choose products carefully or firstly ask us re their
suitability, as lately we have noticed more customers are
ordering incorrect, non-matching or unsuitable products
for their application and/or performance expectations.

We've also noticed increasing numbers of customers who
purchase linear amplifiers are not providing adequate RF
grounding for their amplifiers and their antennas! Install
large surface area copper strap/sheet of minimum 50mm
in width and 1mm in thickness. Ordinary wire should not
be used for RF grounding as wire has far higher impedance
(RF resistance) and inductance than copper strap/sheet.
Copper braid can be used but copper strap/sheet is best!

Antennas must have a high enough power rating and be
located a good distance away from those amplifiers to
minimise RF intrusion/feedback/interference. Vertically
polarised antennas must be located higher (or lower) than
the horizontal level of the station transceiver & amplifier!

 Please check with us a day prior if you wish to purchase a
large amplifier personally from our store (as some large
amplifiers are at our warehouse), so we can ensure it
will be in our store for you to collect. Please note that
we can't accept Australian Money Orders over A$1,000.

PLEASE NOTE; SHOP HOURS ARE 9am~4pm, Monday~Friday!

Most amplifiers ordered from us ship out same day or next day!
All our RF linear amplifiers are rated up to only 50% duty cycle!
Some solid-state linear amplifiers have NO DC cables included.
Any/all amplifier damage caused by RF overdrive, overvoltage,
reverse polarity, corrosion, acts of God, adverse environment,
transmitting into >2:1 SWR, etc., is not covered by warranty!
Warranty strictly covers only manufacturing faults.
Warranty cover is not insurance cover, of course.
We quote and accept Australian dollars only!

Please order by phone; 02 9688 4301/9636 9060/9896 8972,
by email; or by mail;
P.O. Box 240, Pendle Hill, NSW, 2145.

Page updated 21-10-24

Ameritron AL-811 series amplifiers

World's most popular valve/tube HF linear amplifiers!

linear amplifiers for sale


HF 800W+ linear amplifier


Sold out!

Pricing and availability subject to change due to stock, exchange
rate and freight cost variations.
Updated info will be listed here.

  • 160m to 10m band coverage, including WARC Bands
  • RF negative feedback circuit improves linearity & stability
  • Upgraded re increased stability and reduced spurious output
    by Andrews Communications
  • Specially re-tuned for our Australian band segments by Andrews Communications
  • Parasitic suppression circuitry optimised by Andrews Comms!
  • 30m band performance greatly improved by our new tuning
  • 10m/12m bands performance upgraded, for smoother tuning and ~50W more RF output!
  • Checked by our spectrum analysers for spectral purity!
  • We spend >3 hrs. to upgrade, re-tune and test each amplifier
  • Tubes are selected to ensure equal RF power output sharing
  • Inbuilt AC power supply
  • Dual illuminated meters
  • Tuned input coils
  • Input swr on the 30m band may be up to 3:1, up to 2.5:1 on the 12m band and less than 2:1 on the other bands. These levels of input swr are usually easily overcome, as most radio amateurs who purchase HF linear amplifiers already own antenna tuners or own HF transceivers with inbuilt automatic antenna tuners
  • Four inexpensive China-made 811A tubes fitted by Ameritron total 240W of plate dissipation. These 811A tubes may be branded RF Parts (RFP), Taylor, Ameritron or be unbranded!
    We don't guarantee Ameritron branded tubes will be fitted to AL-811H amplifiers by us or by Ameritron, or that we can supply Ameritron branded
    811A tubes. Ameritron doesn't mention any brand of 811A tubes they fit to AL-811H
    linear amplifiers!!
  • Four fully neutralised 811A tubes provide increased stability, improved linearity and smoother amplifier tuning!
  • RF output levels; SSB 800W+ (up to 900W~1,000W pep o/p
    on 40m/20m/15m), CW 600W
  • Accurate peak power indication requires commercial true-peak reading RF wattmeter; Coaxial Dynamics 83000A, Bird, etc.
  • Please limit the tune up periods to 5 seconds, each time. Allow the tubes to cool for at least 10 seconds in between each tune up period. To tune up, start with only 5W of carrier drive, then go to 20W of drive, then finally to 50W of drive.
    More tune-up info is below...
  • When we list AL-811H linear
    amplifiers as being "In stock", they are fully ready for sale & can be brought to the shop on the day following receipt of your order, for immediate sale!



linear amplifiers Australia


Heavy Duty HF linear amplifier
has 4 x 572B tubes providing 640W of total plate dissipation!


Sold out!

Pricing and availability subject to change due to stock, exchange
rate and freight cost variations.
Updated info will be listed here.


We have traded in a
near-new AL-811HD amplifier! Contact us
for details or see our
Used Radios page.


  • 160m to 10m band coverage, including WARC Bands
  • Utilises four rugged 572B tubes for high duty cycle operation!
    These four 572B tubes may be branded RF Parts (RFP), Taylor, Ameritron or be unbranded!
    We don't guarantee Ameritron branded tubes will be fitted to AL-811HD linear amplifiers by
    us or by Ameritron, or that we can supply Ameritron branded tubes. Ameritron does not mention any particular brand
    of 572B tubes they fit to
    AL-811HD linear amplifiers!!
  • RF negative feedback circuit improves linearity & stability
  • Upgraded re increased stability and reduced spurious output
    by Andrews Communications
  • Specially re-tuned for our Australian band segments by Andrews Communications!
  • Parasitic suppression circuitry optimised by Andrews Comms!
  • 30m band performance greatly improved by our new tuning
  • 10m/12m bands performance upgraded, for smoother tuning and ~50W more RF output!
  • Grid Overload Protection (GOP) circuit recalibrated by us! 
  • Checked by our spectrum analysers for spectral purity!
  • We spend >3 hrs. to upgrade, re-tune and test each amplifier
  • Tubes are selected to ensure equal RF power output sharing
  • Inbuilt AC power supply
  • Dual illuminated meters
  • Tuned input coils
  • Input swr on the 30m band may be up to 3:1, up to 2.5:1 on the 12m band and less than 2:1 on the other bands. These levels of input swr are usually easily overcome, as most radio amateurs who purchase HF linear amplifiers already own antenna tuners or own HF transceivers with inbuilt automatic antenna tuners
  • Four fully neutralised 572B tubes provide increased stability, improved linearity, smoother amplifier tuning and 640W of total plate dissipation
  • RF output levels; SSB 800W+ (up to 900W~1,000W pep o/p
    on 40m/20m/15m), CW 600W
  • Accurate peak power indication requires commercial true-peak reading RF wattmeter; Coaxial Dynamics 83000A, Bird, etc.
  • Please limit the transmit tune up periods to 5 seconds, each time. Allow the tubes to cool for at least 10 seconds in between each tune up period. 
    To tune up, firstly adjust the tuning capacitor for maximum RF power output possible with only 5W of drive, then un-key.
    Next, adjust the loading capacitor in one direction only (to increase loading) for maximum RF output, then un-key. If the RF output level reduces when adjusting the loading capacitor, then reverse the direction of adjustment. Keep repeating this two-step  (tune, then load) process, using drive levels of 5W, then 20W, then 50W and finally 100W. Tune for only 1~2 seconds at 100W drive!
    Always tune and load to achieve the maximum RF output possible. Don't adjust both the tuning and loading capacitors during any one tune up period.
  • When we list AL-811HD amplifiers as being "In stock", they are fully ready for sale & can be brought to the shop on the day following receipt of your order, for immediate sale! 
Lothar, VK1LS, says...
"The AL-811HD is a magic linear"

buy linear amplifiers
AL-811H internal view


 Insurance cover for goods in transit is available from us at only $2 per $100 value of goods. Please advise us if you require this option when ordering.

Please consider transit insurance because we are not responsible for loss of parcels or damage sustained by parcels - the carrier is responsible! We do pack well!

Please do NOT write <fragile> on anything you send to us as doing so greatly increases the risk of damage. Please try to "double-box" all items sent to us.

We don't offer any replacement warranties on any product.
Customer-caused damage is not covered by warranty, of course.

Please ensure you select the same band of operation of your linear amplifier as the band of operation of your transceiver. Also, please ensure that your amplifier's relay line is connected to your transceiver's relay socket.

We can repair your AL-811 series amplifier. We can greatly improve its stability, too! Contact us now!

Lee recommends that if you're considering purchasing a new or used Ameritron AL-811 series  linear amplifier from anyone or anywhere to make sure that all necessary upgrades have been properly completed, especially regarding the amplifier's parasitic suppression circuit design!

If you want a brand new AL-811 series amplifier retuned to favour either the very bottom or very top of a band then that can usually be done over a weekend. There is usually no charge for this retuning when purchasing a new AL-811 series amplifier, if it's requested prior to the actual sale.

Otherwise, retuning would be a chargeable after-sales service.

We would retune the applicable input tuning coil and re-set the PA output coil (if necessary), in order to achieve the lowest input SWR coincident with the highest RF output power level.


AL-811HD report

Tommy says...My expectations are blown away by how well the AL-811HD works! I understand
you have put many hours into perfecting these amplifiers and
a wealth of knowledge, as well.
I can't thank you and the boys enough. I've been dealing with
you for many, many years and without doubt your services
and knowledge has not faded
but increases every time!

Best wishes, Tommy.




Notes regarding the repairing of ageing linear amplifiers.

If your old AL-811 series linear amplifier doesn't already have a good parasitic suppression printed circuit board & good 811A tubes, along with being in good overall condition and less than 20 years old, then it may not be economical/worthwhile to repair! 

More and more customers are giving us older and older AL-811 series linear amplifiers, and other ageing valve/tube and solid-state linear amplifiers, to repair. As such ageing amplifiers develop more & more faults due to their ageing components, along with increasing operating hours and corrosion and oxidisation taking its toll, it's taking us longer to repair such amplifiers. Also, it's becoming increasingly difficult to obtain replacement parts for such amplifiers. Please keep in mind that the total repair cost is likely to be more than the few hundred dollars you may have just paid
for some ageing linear amplifier.
In many cases, we must firstly replace faulty or low emission valves/tubes, or damaged/failed RF transistors or FETs, when we commence the repair process...
and that's if the amplifier is even operational on its first inspection and test! Please note; we do not provide quotes regarding the repairing of any linear amplifiers.

After we accept an amplifier for repair (considering that some amplifiers are uneconomical or near-impossible to repair), our outstanding RF technicians will inspect and test the amplifier.
Often, we can then provide an estimate of the total repair cost.

The repair procedure may take several months to successfully complete, and especially so if we have to conduct many searches to find rare or special parts.

We do have some AL-811-series parts in stock, such as the main HT RF choke (A$79 @ 23-03-23),
HT electrolytic capacitors, etc.

Please note that 572B tubes can be quite expensive to purchase new, these days, due mainly to COVID related costs issues. Some Chinese tube/valve factories have suffered severe fire damage, too!



We have received some high RF output power transistors & FETs
from a few of our overseas
amplifier & radio manufacturers.
These particular devices may well
be the last of their type readily obtainable at sensible pricing!
We ordered these devices with
the main intention of supporting
our repairs to solid state 12Vdc
HF and HF/6m linear amplifiers!

These high power RF transistors & FETs are listed in a similarly titled chart halfway down this page...

If you have a faulty 12Vdc HF or HF/6m solid-state linear amplifier
and would like us to repair it then
please contact us. Often, we can
easily determine if your solid-state
12Vdc HF or HF/6m linear amplifier
is economically possible to repair.

Btw, extra-low noise MGF-1302
GaAsFETs in stock @ A$29 ea. 

Ameritron HF valve linear amplifiers

Prices are subject to confirmation due to variations
in exchange rate, freight costs, etc., per shipment.
Prices listed in the chart below are indicative only.
Type Price $(AUD)
Listed prices are subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rates and freight costs adversely affected by coronavirus...  
AL-1500 3CX1500/8877 x 1 valve; provides 1500W+ SSB output  $9999.00
AL-1200 3CX1200A7 x 1 valve; provides 1500W SSB output $8999.00
AL-82 3-500Z x 2 valves; provides 1500W SSB output $7499.00
A deposit of 50% of your order will be required  


ACOM factory-authorised factory-direct importer!

 Genuine ACOM factory-backed Australian one-year
warranty on amplifiers & 1-year warranty on tubes.
Fast airfreight delivery of linears direct from ACOM!
Most ACOM amplifier models have short lead times.

Due to the unavailability of Russian GU-74B tubes,
ACOM is fitting new, upgraded design, GU-74B 
(4CX-800A) tubes to 1010, 1000 & 2000A linear
amplifier models from 01-01-24. ACOM helped a
Chinese tube manufacturer to design, test and
improve their GU-74B tubes over recent years!  

Outstanding performance, quality and design!

Lee visited ACOM's Bulgarian factory on Friday, 28th September, 2018 and was amazed! ACOM has a very modern & supremely capable manufacturing facility.
ACOM manufactures great linear amplifier models!
ACOM models in stock have confirmed prices! ACOM products have pricing that's subject to ex-factory
cost, exchange rate and air-courier cost variations!

Please check with us a day prior if you wish to purchase a
large amplifier personally from our store so we can ensure
it will be in our store for you to collect, as large linear
amplifier models are stored at our warehouse.


ACOM 1500

 New 4CX-1000A type linear amplifier delivers
up to 1,500W SSB output on 160m~6m bands
Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

  • Yes, covers 1.8~54MHz in amateur bands with up to 1,500W RF pep  output in SSB mode per band! Up to 1,200W RF carrier output in CW mode! Yes, the Acom 1500 covers the 60m band, too!
  • Several reviews in USA indicate over 1.5kW RF output on SSB
  • Actual pep and carrier output levels vary depending upon band
  • Wide range of antenna tuning matches up to 3:1 antenna swr,
    so often there's no need for an external antenna tuner!!
  • Includes one 4CX-1000A type tetrode that is optimised for class AB1 SSB linear amplifier service and delivers up to 1,500W SSB RF output
  • Vacuum antenna relay!
  • Has plate-load TRI (True Resistance Indicator) allows faster amplifier tuning and reduced false resonance tuning due to the Pi-L circuit
  • New! Three (3) position antenna switching with three SO-239s fitted!
  • New! VFD (vacuum fluorescent display) indicates operating conditions
  • Virtually silent QSK CW operation
  • Comprehensive protection and monitoring circuits
  • Low input swr on all bands
  • Very low 3rd order IMD and harmonic output levels
  • Dimensions;422mm w x 182mm h x 355mm d. Weight; about 25kg.

ACOM 1500 internal view

Email received 17-04-19; Hi Lee! An update for you regarding the 1500. Works really well. Happily delivering 1500W+ in my favourite bands. Very happy! Thank you for your patience and understanding. Cheers, Wayne. 

ACOM 2100

160m-6m 1,500W RF output
linear amplifier

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

  • Yes, the rugged 2100 amplifier covers 1.8~54MHz in amateur bands with 1,500W continuous RF output in ALL modes!
  • Several reviews in USA indicate up to 2,500W RF output on SSB,
    but this RF output level is yet to be proven & confirmed to be true
  • Actual pep and carrier output levels vary depending upon band
  • Does NOT cover the 60m band
  • Wide range of antenna tuning matches up to 3:1 swr,
    so often there's no need for an antenna tuner!
  • Has plate-load TRI (True Resistance Indicator) for fast
    amplifier tuning and reduced false resonance tuning
  • Very low 3IMD/harmonic o/p
  • One 4CX-1000A tetrode
    delivers up to 1,500W RF output per band
  • Vacuum antenna relay
  • Low input swr on all bands
  • LCD display
  • Comprehensive protection and monitoring circuits
  • Dimensions;445mm w x 205mm h x 375mm d. Weight 29.3kg.


ACOM 2000A

160m-10m 2,000W RF output AUTOMATIC linear amplifier

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

Automatic built-in Pi-L antenna tuner matches up to 3:1 SWR

  • World's most advanced HF amateur automatic tuning tube/valve
    linear amplifier
  • 2000A covers the 160m~10m (1.8~29.7MHz) amateur bands,
    including the WARC bands!
  • Does NOT cover the 60m band
  • One pair of rugged Chinese 4CX800A tetrodes
    deliver 1800~2000W RF output per band
  • Actual pep and carrier output levels vary depending upon band
  • Instantaneous automatic antenna tuning
  • Wide range automatic antenna tuning matches up to 3:1 swr,
    so often there's no need for an antenna tuner!
  • Sophisticated RS-232 digital hand controller with a LCD!
  • Vacuum antenna relay
  • Grid driven, low input swr, with cathode RF negative feedback
  • Very low 3IMD/harmonic o/p
  • Pi-L network with air-wound coils
  • Comprehensive protection and monitoring circuits
  • Dimensions;440w x 180h x450d (mm). Packed weight 36kg.

ACOM 2000A internal view

"Ecstatic" is the true feeling when amateurs operate ACOM's 2000A!
Many amateur say "It's easy to operate and it's very quiet, too!"

ACOM 1010

160m~10m 700W RF output
linear amplifier

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

  • 1010 covers the 160m~10m (1.8~29.7MHz) amateur bands
  • Yes, covers the 60m band!
  • Excellent value for 700W o/p
  • One Chinese 4CX-800A tetrode delivers up to 700W of RF output per amateur band
  • Wide range of antenna tuning matches up to 3:1 swr. Often no need for an antenna tuner! 
  • Has plate-load TRI (True Resistance Indicator) for fast amplifier tuning and reduced false resonance tuning
  • Very low 3IMD/harmonic o/p
  • Low input swr on all bands
  • LED graphical displays
  • Comprehensive protection and monitoring circuits
  • Dimensions;406mm w x 150mm h x 315mm d. Weight 16kg.

ACOM 1010 internal view

ACOM 1000

160m-6m 1,000W RF output
linear amplifier

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

  • 1000 covers the 160m~6m (1.8~54MHz) amateur bands
  • Does NOT cover 60m band
  • Up to 1,000W peak RF output
    in ALL modes!
  • Wide range of antenna tuning matches up to 3:1 swr. Often no need for an antenna tuner!
  • Has plate-load TRI (True Resistance Indicator) for fast amplifier tuning and reduced false resonance tuning
  • Very low 3IMD/harmonic o/p
  • One Chinese 4CX-800A tetrode delivers up to 1,000W RF output per band, including 6m!
  • Vacuum antenna relay
  • Low input swr on all bands
  • LCD display
  • Comprehensive protection and monitoring circuits
  • Dimensions;422mm w x 182mm h x 355mm d.
  • Weight; 22kg.
  • The 1000P is a continuous frequency coverage linear amplifier model and is available upon us receiving your order with deposit.
    1000P amplifier...A$7999.
    This price is based upon the current exchange rate and air-courier costs and is subject to availability of the 1000P ...
    The 1000P covers 3~30MHz with no frequency gaps, but
    NO 160m or 6m coverage!
    Yes, the 1000P definitely
    covers the 60m/5MHz band!
    Note; the 60m/5MHz band
    is not yet allocated to Australian amateurs.

ACOM 2020S

160m-6m solid-state linear amplifier
with multi-colour remote controller.
Two LDMOSFETs for 1,500W output!

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

Info below is subject to confirmation!

  • 2020S covers all 160m~6m (1.8~54MHz) amateur bands & 60m!
  • Large RCU 7" (155mm x 90mm) high resolution multi-colour display of 1024 x 600 pixels/24-bit colour displays up to 11 parameters!
  • Detailed data (55 parameters) about each of the last 28 hard-fault protection trips are stored in the amplifier's memory
  • Utilises TWO rugged MRFX1K80HR5 (or equivalent) LDMOSFET RF output PA modules in an input splitter/output combiner design
  • Covers all amateur bands from 160m to 6m!
  • Frequency coverage is not continuous across all of 1.8~54MHz
  • Rated RF power output of 1,500W pep or carrier (no mode limit)
  • RF power gain of 14dB +/-1dB (~60W input for 1500W output)
  • 3rd order distortion products (3IMD) -30dB below below rated p.e.p.
  • Compatible with current amateur transceiver models
  • Broadband input circuit with  <1.2:1 swr from 1.8~54MHz
  • Acceptable swr of up to 3:1 with proportional power reduction
    vs. swr. Full RF power output at up to 1.5:1 swr
  • Easy "ground on transmit" operation
  • When connected to a transceiver with CAT capability the 2020S will track the operating frequency and automatically change bands
  • Even if not CAT connected, the amplifier monitors the input frequency
    via its inbuilt frequency counter and automatically changes bands
  • Automatic control and auto band changing possible from transceiver via CAT interface
  • Remotely controlled via Internet through integrated Web interface
    and inbuilt Ethernet RJ-45 port and Wi-Fi adaptor
  • 2020S monitors the input signal's frequency and automatically
    band changes even when not connected to a CAT interface
  • Ten (10) effective protection and monitoring circuits!
  • The highly efficient cooling system may be slightly noisier than
    some other amplifier models' cooling systems
  • Minimum required timing of sequencing between sending request for transmit (KEY-IN "ground on transmit" signal) and applying RF drive power at the amplifier's RF INPUT connector for safely switching
    from receive to transmit is 10mS
  • The transmit delay timing is adjustable in 5ms steps in Yaesu's
    FTDX-101D and FTDX-101MP transceivers. Simply select <QSK Delay Time> in the CW settings part of the menu and adjust to 20ms or 25ms delay. Yaesu factory standard delay time setting is 15ms. QSK delay time will be the same in ALL modes! When CW keying speed is 45wpm or faster, delay time will be 15ms regardless of time setting
  • The 2020S must be well grounded. Solid-state linear amplifiers are often more sensitive than valve/tube amplifiers regarding RF signals
    intruding into their control and protection circuits. Antennas must
    be located well away from the amplifier and be well grounded.
    In fact, the whole station should be well grounded. Coaxial cables should have ferrite rings fitted. Vertically polarised HF antennas shouldn't be located close to high RF power output HF linear
    amplifiers as vertical antennas typically radiate a stronger local
    ground wave than horizontal antennas
  • Coaxial cables should be any multiple of a half-wave on every operating band (taking into account velocity factor of the cable),
    noting the SWR at the antenna is repeated every half-wavelength
  • The 2020S requires a high quality shielded relay control cable and
    high quality coaxial connectors 
  • The 2020S is sensitive to detecting "hot switching"   
  • One antenna socket
  • *Note; the "60m band" is NOT available to Australian amateurs
  • Inbuilt switch-mode power supply
  • Size of amplifier; 428w x 425d x 190h mm, Weight; 21.9kg.
  • Size of remote control unit; 202w x 144d x 92h mm. Weight; 0.9kg.
  • Shipping size; 740w x 600d x 370h mm. Shipping weight; 29kg.
  • LDMOSFET = laterally diffused metal oxide substrate field effect transistor
  • See ACOM's website at for more info...


ACOM 1200S

160m~6m 1200W solid-state linear amplifier!

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

  • 1200S covers all 160m~6m (1.8~54MHz) amateur bands & 60m!
  • Large 5" (108mm x 65mm high resolution multi-colour display of 800x480 pixels/24-bit colour displays over 10 parameters!
  • Utilises the rugged BLF188 LDMOSFET RF output device from NXP, which is designed to withstand high swr loads
  • Covers all amateur bands from 160m to 6m!
  • Frequency coverage is not continuous across all of 1.8~54MHz
  • RF power output of up to 1,200W pep or carrier.
  • Rated RF power output of 1,000W pep or carrier
  • RF power gain of 13dB +/-1dB (~50W input for 1000W o/p)
  • Compatible with current amateur transceiver models
  • Broadband input circuit with <1.2:1 swr from 1.8~54MHz
  • Acceptable swr of up to 3:1 with proportional power reduction
    vs. swr. Full RF power output at up to 1.5:1 swr
  • Automatic control and auto band changing possible from transceiver via CAT interface
  • Can be remotely controlled via RS232 interface
  • Amplifier monitors the input signal's frequency and automatically
    band changes even when not connected to a CAT interface
  • Ten (10) effective protection and monitoring circuits!
  • The highly efficient cooling system may be slightly noisier than
    some other amplifier models' cooling systems
  • Any transceiver driving RF into a 1200S MUST have transmit delay timing of at least 20mS between initial key-down and RF output
    power appearing at the transceiver's RF output socket! Some transceivers have only 10mS delay!! Delay timing of <20mS
    may cause the 1200S to instantly go into "protect" mode if it
    senses this operation to be what is often called "hot switching"
  • The transmit delay timing is adjustable in 5ms steps in Yaesu's
    FTDX-101D and FTDX-101MP transceivers. Simply select <QSK Delay Time> in the CW settings part of the menu and adjust to 20ms or 25ms delay. The factory standard delay time setting is 15ms. QSK delay time will be the same in ALL modes! When CW keying speed is 45wpm or faster, delay time will be 15ms regardless of time setting
  • The 1200S must be well grounded. Solid-state linear amplifiers are often more sensitive than valve/tube amplifiers regarding RF signals
    intruding into their control and protection circuits. Antennas must
    be located well away from the amplifier and be well RF grounded.
    In fact, the whole station should be well grounded. Coaxial cables should have ferrite rings fitted. Vertically polarised HF antennas shouldn't be located close to high RF power output HF linear
    amplifiers as vertical antennas typically radiate a stronger local
    ground wave than horizontal antennas
  • Coaxial cables should be any multiple of a half-wave on every operating band (taking into account velocity factor of the cable),
    noting the SWR at the antenna is repeated every half-wavelength
  • The 1200S requires a high quality shielded relay control cable and
    high quality coaxial connectors 
  • The 1200S is sensitive to detecting "hot switching"   
  • One antenna socket 
  • *Note; the "60m band" is NOT available to Australian amateurs
  • Inbuilt switch-mode power supply
  • Dimensions; 372w x 162h x 418d mm
  • Weight; 14.5kg.
  • LDMOSFET = laterally diffused metal oxide substrate field effect transistor
  • See ACOM's website at for more info...



160m~6m 700W solid-state linear amplifier!

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

  • 700S covers all 160m~6m  (1.8~54MHz) amateur bands & 60m!
  • Large 5" (108mm x 65mm high resolution multi-colour display of 800x480 pixels/24-bit colour displays over 10 parameters!
  • Utilises the rugged MRFEV6VP61K25N LDMOSFET RF output device which is designed to withstand high swr loads
  • Advanced control & protection board
  • Covers all amateur bands from 160m to 6m!
  • Frequency coverage is not continuous across all of 1.8~54MHz
  • RF power output maximum of at least 700W (+/-0.5dB) SSB pep
    or carrier RF output on all bands
  • RF power gain of 14dB +/-1dB (~40W input for 700W output)
  • Harmonic and parasitic emissions output is better than -60dB
  • Compatible with current amateur transceiver models
  • Broadband input circuit with <1.2:1 swr from 1.8~54MHz
  • Acceptable swr of up to 3:1 with proportional power reduction
    vs. swr. Full RF power output at up to 1.5:1 swr
  • RF amplifier input swr <1.2:1. RF bypass input swr <1.1:1
  • Automatic control and auto band changing possible from transceiver via CAT interface
  • Remotely controllable by RS-232 interface
  • Amplifier monitors the input signal's frequency and automatically
    band changes even when not connected to a CAT interface
  • Ten (10) effective protection and monitoring circuits!
  • The highly efficient cooling system may be slightly noisier than
    some other amplifier models' cooling systems
  • Detailed data (55 parameters) re each of the last 28 hard-fault
    protection trips is stored in the amplifier's non-volatile memory
  • Any transceiver driving RF into the 700S MUST have transmit delay timing of at least 20mS between initial key-down and RF output
    power actually occurring at the transceiver's RF output socket!
    Some transceivers have only 10mS delay!! Delay timing of <20mS
    may cause the 700S to instantly go into "protect" mode if it
    senses this operation to be what is often called "hot switching"
  • The transmit delay timing is adjustable in 5ms steps in Yaesu's
    FTDX-101D and FTDX-101MP transceivers. Select <QSK Delay
    Time> in the CW settings part of the menu and adjust to 20ms or 25ms delay. The factory standard delay time setting is 15ms. QSK delay time will be the same in ALL modes! When CW keying speed is 45wpm or faster, delay time will be 15ms regardless of time setting
  • The A700S must be well grounded. Solid-state linear amplifiers are often more sensitive than valve/tube amplifiers regarding RF signals
    intruding into their control and protection circuits. Antennas must
    be located well away from the amplifier and be well RF grounded.
    In fact, the whole station should be well grounded. Coaxial cables should have ferrite rings fitted. Vertically polarised HF antennas shouldn't be located close to high RF power output HF linear
    amplifiers as vertical antennas typically radiate a stronger local
    ground wave than horizontal antennas
  • Coaxial cables should be any multiple of a half-wave on every operating band (taking into account velocity factor of the cable),
    noting the SWR at the antenna is repeated every half-wavelength
  • The 700S requires a high quality shielded relay control cable and
    high quality coaxial connectors 
  • The 700S is sensitive to detecting "hot switching"
  • *Note; the "60m band" is NOT available to Australian amateurs
  • Inbuilt switch-mode power supply
  • Dimensions; 326mm w x 143mm h x 365mm d
  • Weight; 11.8kg.
  • LDMOSFET = laterally diffused metal oxide substrate field effect transistor
  • See ACOM's website at for more info...



Andrews Communications Systems is an ACOM factory fully authorised and supported importer. Owners and/or importers of parallel-imported ACOM products are welcome to pay us to repair their faulty Acom amplifiers.

ACOM's factory & headquarters
is located in Sofia, Bulgaria.

ACOM website;

Check the list of ACOM world-wide authorised dealers at...


A sales receipt copy must accompany each warranty claim
Include your name, address, email and phone number


Listed prices subject to change without notice or obligation due
to exchange rate variations
and compliance costs, etc.!



A sales receipt copy must accompany each warranty claim.
Please include your name, address, email and phone number.

Linear amplifier relay cables, adaptors and accessories
Type Price $(AUD)
YAESU-compatible 8-pin mini-DIN to RCA plug cable assembly.

Suitable for Yaesu SSB transceivers which have a 8-pin mini-DIN fitted at their rear panel and labelled LINEAR...

Plenty in stock as @ 17-11-22!
We may have 10-pin mini-DIN to RCA plug cable assemblies later in 2023... $T.B.A. 


RF power valves/tubes

 Availability of listed models is subject to confirmation.
We cannot supply any other valves/tubes.

 Prices are subject to change due to exchange rate
variations, overseas cost price, freight rate, etc.
List updated 11-10-24 and subject to change.
All valves listed are subject to availability.

Type Price $(AUD)
811A - linear amplifier valve (60W plate dissipation) --> NEW!

$129.00 each

Limited or no stock!!

572B - linear amplifier valve (160W plate dissipation) --> NEW!

RFP brand 572Bs in stock!

PENTA brand 572Bs in stock!


 Now $299.00 each

Limited or no stock!
Limited or no stocks of listed valves.
NO other valves are available.
All valves listed are subject to availability.
Listed prices are subject to change without notice or obligation and are based on seafreighting from the USA. Airmailing from USA costs extra.
Availability of above valve/tube models are subject to confirmation.
Prices are confirmed for valves/tubes currently in stock!
Surplus valves --> very limited stock
Type Price $(AUD)
All valves are subject to availability Price for each!
1B3GT $9.00
5AS4 $9.00
6AV6 $9.00
6AW8A $9.00
6BL8 $9.00
6BX6 $9.00
6CB6A $9.00
6CK6 $9.00
6DQ6A $9.00
6DT6 $9.00
6DX6 $9.00
6EH7  $9.00
6E7J $9.00
6U9 $9.00
6X9 $9.00

RM (Italy) HF, VHF and UHF linear amplifiers

Factory direct importer


Outstanding quality, value and performance!

One year warranty excluding RF output devices

Most RM solid-state amplifiers require DC cables!



All-new design MLA400 500W RF output 160m~10m linear amplifier w/4 x 2SC2879s
in push-pull/parallel. Features bandpass
filters and advanced protection circuits!
Maximum of 100W RF drive.
Price will be ~A$2,000.
Due late 2024.



BLA-600...$4999 AUD

Sold out!

Place your order 

HF+6m (1.8MHz~54MHz) ~600W SSB output
amateur bands FET linear amplifier

  • Covers 160m~6m amateur bands (1.8~54MHz)
  • Maximum RF output of 600W SSB pep, typically 500W SSB pep 
  • RF input required; 20~25W for 500W RF output from 80m~10m
    and 30~40W for 500W RF output on the 160m and 6m bands
  • 2 x 16 LCD display with multifunction status
  • Bandpass filter switching
  • Dual MCU control with protection against excessive RF input drive level, high output VSWR, drive frequency, high temp. (power supply, heatsink, o/p FETs), drain over-voltage/over-current & HV PIN supply
  • Fully automatic operation, with instant band changes
  • MCU controlled large diameter DUAL cooling fans
  • Utilises 50V Freescale MRF6VP5600H FET RF power transistors for
    high RF power output, high reliability and highly linear RF output
  • Silent PIN diode RF switching - ideal for CW QSK operation
  • Three (3) Teflon insulated SO-239 antenna output sockets
  • Large heatsink fitted with large copper heatsink spreader sheet
  • Requires PTT line and coaxial cable from transceiver to amplifier
  • Size; 430w x 142h x 324d mm. Weighs 21.5kg.
  • Inbuilt newly-upgraded AC power supply design

MOST RM solid-state 12V amplifier models require DC cables!


Yes, TWIN cooling fans fitted!

$1499 AUD

Sold out!

Shipment due soon!

Up to 360W pep SSB RF output 160m~10m
amateur radio 1.8~30MHz  linear amplifier.
Illustration doesn't depict actual amplifier

  • Up to 16 watts input on SSB
  • Up to 12 watts input on CW
  • Up to 4 watts input on AM
  • Up to 360W output on SSB
  • Up to 200W output on CW
  • Up to 100W output on AM
  • SSB RF pep output will change with different power transistors and also operating frequency
  • RM Italy's stated SSB output specification of 230W is at
    -30dB 3rd order distortion products (3IMD). SSB output
    of ~360W pep is measured at typically -22dB~-24dB 3IMD
  • Please note that RM Italy sometimes sets HLA-305V amplifiers
    to PTT operation, not VOX (RF).  For VOX (RF) operation go to MENU, select Internal VOX, switch "on" Internal VOX, select
    SSB and delay timing (going from TX back to RX) you prefer
  • Bright 2-line LCD display indicates input power, output power, heatsink temperature or antenna SWR. Backlight adjustable. Error status history is saved.
  • DC cables not included
  • Copper spreader sheet (200 x 60 x 3mm) for optimised state-of-the-art heat transfer.
  • Bandpass filter switching
  • Six low-pass filters are switch selectable from the front panel or
    they can be remotely switched
  • The HLA-305V's microprocessor (MCU) controls all functions.
    The MCU monitors RF input power, temperature and SWR levels.
    In the AUTO-filter switch position HLA-305V's MCU detects the input signal's frequency, then automatically selects the appropriate low
     pass filter!
  • Has four MRF455 RF power transistors in push-pull/parallel
    in push-pull/parallel and RM designed transistorised bias
  • Selectable RF switching
    (Int. VOX) or PTT switching
  • Antenna hi-swr protection
  • Auto overdrive protection!
    LED flashes when >25W RF input. Amplifier switches "off" when >30W RF input applied
  • 40W+ drive damages amplifier
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • Over-temperature protection circuit automatically switches amplifier into bypass mode
  • Thermostatically controlled fan speed. High temp = high speed
  • To minimise distortion on AM, we recommend limiting carrier output to 90W as modulation peaks are 4x the RF carrier output,
    i.e. 360W peak RF output!
  • 240w x 80h x 450d mm, 4.3kg.
  • Twin cooling fans fitted!
  • Remote switch box and remote cable not included or available
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 35A average current, 50A~ peak


MOST RM solid-state 12V amplifier models require DC cables!

NEW HLA-300V Black

Yes, TRIPLE cooling fans fitted! (V=fans)

$1399 AUD


Up to 360W pep SSB RF output 160m~10m 
amateur radio 1.8~30MHz linear amplifier

  • Up to 16 watts input on SSB
  • Up to 12 watts input on CW
  • Up to 4 watts input on AM
  • Up to 360W output on SSB
  • Up to 200W output on CW
  • Up to 100W output on AM
  • SSB RF pep output will change with different power transistors and also operating frequency
  • RM Italy's stated SSB output specification of 280W is at
    -30dB 3rd order distortion products (3IMD). SSB output
    of ~360W pep is measured at typically -22dB~-24dB 3IMD
  • SSB RF output will be change with different power transistors and operating frequency
  • Bandpass filter switching
  • Six low-pass filters are switch selectable from the front panel or can be remotely switched
  • The HLA-300's microprocessor (MCU) controls all functions.
    In the AUTO-filter switch position HLA-300's MCU reads the input signal's frequency, then it automatically selects the appropriate low pass filter!
  • Has four SD1446 RF power transistors in push-pull/parallel 
    in push-pull/parallel and RM designed transistorised bias
  • Selectable RF switching or PTT switching
  • LED type RF wattmeter
  • Antenna hi-swr protection
  • Auto overdrive protection by
    -3dB input attenuator with 16W+ drive. Amplifier "resets" when drive reaches 32~35W
  • 50W+ drive damages amplifier
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • Input attenuator (-3dB) can also be switched to manual Hi/Lo RF output power levels
  • Over-temperature protection circuit automatically switches amplifier into bypass mode  
  • Thermostatically controlled fan speed. High temp = high speed
  • To minimise distortion on AM, we recommend limiting carrier output
    to 90W as modulation peaks are 4x the RF carrier output,
    i.e. 360W peak RF output!
  • Size; 190w x 90h x 400d mm without projections (eg SO239)
  • Triple cooling fans fitted!
  • Remote switch box and remote cable not included or available
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 45A average current, 60A~ peak

MOST RM solid-state 12V amplifier models require DC cables!

New KL-506V Black


Yes, TWIN cooling fans fitted!

$899 AUD


 Up to 360W pep SSB RF output
HF (3.5~30MHz) 80m~10m
linear amplifier

  • Up to 16 watts input on SSB
  • Up to 12 watts input on CW
  • Up to 4 watts input on AM
  • Up to 360W output on SSB
  • Up to 200W output on CW
  • Up to 100W output on AM
  • SSB RF pep output will change with different power transistors and also operating frequency
  • RM Italy's stated SSB output specification of 230W is at
    -30dB 3rd order distortion products (3IMD). SSB output
    of 360W pep is measured at typically -22dB~-24dB 3IMD
  • Three-levels of power output
  • FOUR SD1446 RF power transistors in push-pull/parallel with redesigned transistorised bias circuit regulation by Andrews Communications and
    RF Repairs & integrated by RM
  • RF carrier operate switching
  • Receive preamplifier has up to 26dB gain and operation is  independent of main amplifier 
  • Twin cooling fans fitted!
  • To minimise distortion on AM, we recommend limiting carrier output to 90W as modulation peaks are 4x carrier output,
    i.e. 360W peak RF output!
  • We recommend using a set of switchable band-pass filters
    for the HF amateur bands to reduce harmonic output if operating below 28MHz/10m
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • 190w x 78h x 280d mm, inc. projections. Weighs 1.5kg
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 45A average current, 60A~ peak


New KL-506 Black


Now $799 AUD
(was A$829)


Up to 360W pep SSB RF output
HF (3.5~30MHz) 80m~10m
linear amplifier

  • Up to 16 watts input on SSB
  • Up to 12 watts input on CW
  • Up to 4 watts input on AM
  • Up to 360W output on SSB
  • Up to 200W output on CW
  • Up to 100W output on AM
  • SSB RF pep output will change with different power transistors and also operating frequency
  • RM Italy's stated SSB output specification of 280W is at
    -30dB 3rd order distortion products (3IMD). SSB output
    of 360W pep is measured at typically -22dB~-24dB 3IMD
  • Three-levels of power output
  • FOUR SD1446 RF power transistors in push-pull/parallel with redesigned transistorised bias circuit regulation by Andrews Communications and
    RF Repairs & integrated by RM
  • RF carrier operate switching
  • Receive preamplifier has up to 26dB gain and operation is  independent of main amplifier 
  • To minimise distortion on AM, we recommend limiting carrier output to 90W as modulation peaks are 4x carrier output,
    i.e. 360W peak RF output!
  • We recommend using a set of switchable band-pass filters
    for the HF amateur bands to reduce harmonic output if operating below 28MHz/10m
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • 190w x 68h x 280d mm, inc. projections. Weighs 1.4kg
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 45A average current, 60A~ peak



MOST RM solid-state 12V amplifier models require DC cables!

New KL-405V Black

Yes, one cooling fan fitted!

Now...$499 AUD
(was A$549)


Up to 200W pep SSB RF
output HF (3.5~30MHz)
80m~10m linear amplifier

  • Up to 12 watts input on SSB
  • Up to 10 watts input on CW
  • Up to 4 watts input on AM
  • Up to 200W output on SSB
  • Up to 100W output on CW
  • Up to 50W output on AM
  • Front panel rotary 6-position output power level switching
  • Two SD1446 RF power transistors in push-pull with redesigned transistorised bias circuit regulation by Andrews & RF Repairs. Integrated by RM
  • RF carrier operate switching
  • Receive preamplifier has up to 26dB gain and operation is  independent of main amplifier 
  • One cooling fan fitted!
  • To minimise distortion on AM, we recommend limiting carrier output to 50W as modulation peaks are 4x carrier output,
    i.e. 200W peak RF output!
  • We recommend using a set of switchable band-pass filters
    for the HF amateur bands to reduce harmonic output if operating below 28MHz/10m
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • 170w x 62h x 210d mm, 980g
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 25A average current, 30A~ peak


New KL-405 Black

$449 AUD


Shipment due soon!

Up to 200W pep SSB RF
output HF (3.5~30MHz)
80m~10m linear amplifier

  • Up to 12 watts input on SSB
  • Up to 10 watts input on CW
  • Up to 4 watts input on AM
  • Up to 200W output on SSB
  • Up to 100W output on CW
  • Up to 50W output on AM
  • Front panel rotary 6-position output power level switching
  • Two SD1446 RF power transistors in push-pull with redesigned transistorised bias circuit regulation by Andrews & RF Repairs. Integrated by RM
  • RF carrier operate switching
  • Receive preamplifier has up to 26dB gain and operation is  independent of main amplifier 
  • To minimise distortion on AM, we recommend limiting carrier output to 50W as modulation peaks are 4x carrier output,
    i.e. 200W peak RF output!
  • We recommend using a set of switchable band-pass filters
    for the HF amateur bands to reduce harmonic output if operating below 28MHz/10m
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • 170w x 62h x 210d mm, 980g
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 25A average current, 30A~ peak


MOST RM solid-state 12V amplifier models require DC cables!


NOW...$1199 AUD


Up to 120W RF out 160m~6m (1.8MHz~54MHz) amateur
bands linear amplifier. Ideal for FT-817/ND & FT-818ND 5W
output all-mode transceivers!

  • Up to 120W RF output across 160m~10m, 80W RF o/p 6m
  • 5W maximum RF input power!
  • Typically 80~100W RF output across HF for only 5W input
  • Typically 70~80W RF output across 6m for 5W RF input
  • Max. recommended HF carrier output 25W AM, as modulation peaks are 4x carrier output
  • Select automatic or manual bandpass filter switching!
  • Has 2 x RD100HHF1 FETs
  • LED display graph of ant. SWR
  • Large oversized heatsink
  • One cooling fan fitted!
  • RF switched or PTT switched
  • LEDs display operating band, protection & RF power output
  • Protection against reverse polarity, high temp., high SWR
  • QSK up to about 30wpm is OK
  • Maximum RF bypass power 50W (when amplifier switched "off")
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • 165w x 67h x 180d mm, 1.5kg
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 20A average current, 25A~ peak


MUA-100 (UHF)

$1499 AUD

Now up to 120W o/p!!


UHF (405~480MHz) 5W input,
up to 120W* RF output linear
broadband UHF amplifier!
New upgraded version!

Note; The link below is in Italian. Simply use Google Translate to translate into English language...

Learn More

  • 5 watts maximum RF input!!
  • Selectable 1W/5W input power
  • Maximum of up to 120W* RF output (*dependent upon the operating frequency, DC supply voltage, input/output swr and amplifier tuning)
  • FET RF power transistors
  • IC-derived bias regulation!
  • RF switched or PTT switched
  • Antenna high-swr protection
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • One cooling fan fitted
  • 190w x 80h x 190d mm inc. projections. Weighs 1kg.
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 20A average current, 22A~ peak


MOST RM solid-state 12V amplifier models require DC cables!


LA-435 (UHF)

$799 AUD

Up to 60W o/p!!


Shipment due soon!

UHF (405~480MHz) 5W input,
up to 60W* RF output linear
broadband UHF amplifier!
New model amplifier!

  • 5 watts maximum RF input!!
  • Selectable 1W/5W input power
  • Maximum of up to 60W* RF output (*dependent upon the operating frequency, DC supply voltage, input/output swr and amplifier tuning)
  • FM/SSB switchable delay
  • Please note; RF input and RF output sockets are N-type!
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • 120w x 40h x 207d mm, 800g
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 15A maximum current



LA-250 (VHF)

$1399 AUD


Place your order with deposit

2m band (144~148MHz) 250W
SSB output linear amplifier

  • Up to 200W CW/FM/AM RF output for up to 15W RF input
  • Up to 250W SSB RF output for up to 25W SSB RF input
  • We suggest 50W max. carrier output on AM, as modulation peaks are 4x carrier output,
    i.e. 200W peak RF output
  • 4 x Mitsubishi RD70HVF-1, 70W RF o/p FETs (@ low IMD)
  • 200w x 60d x 3h mm copper spreader sheet aids heatsink!
  • RF switched or PTT switched
  • LCD displays RF input power,
    RF output power, heatsink temperature and output VSWR plus adjustable backlighting
  • Protection against reverse polarity, high temp., high SWR & excessive RF input power
  • Note that customer-caused or environment-caused damage is NOT covered by any warranty
  • CPU monitors main operating conditions and records faults
  • Low pass filter fitted
  • Maximum RF bypass power 50W (when amplifier sw. "off")
  • 240w x 70h x 420d mm, 4kg
  • DC cables not included
  • Requires 13.8Vdc @ 30A average current, 40A~ peak


MOST RM solid-state 12V amplifier models require DC cables!


Listed prices are subject to change without notice or obligation due to recent exchange rate variations.

A genuine sales receipt copy must
accompany each warranty claim. Please include your name, address, email and phone number.


Replacement parts...

Complete KL-400~405/KL-500~506 amplifier series RF
input attenuator printed circuit board with 6-position rotary switch & resistors...A$79 ea.

Normally in stock!

Please check if your old amplifier's board is exactly the same as above
so it will fit in without any issues...


Large black KL-series amplifier series DC input plug ...A$20 ea.

Normally in stock!


Small green MLA/MUA-series amplifier DC i/p plug...A$20 ea.

Normally in stock!

Most amplifiers ordered from us ship out same day or next day!
ALL our RF linear amplifiers are rated up to only 50% duty cycle!
Some solid-state linear amplifiers have NO DC cables included.
Any/all amplifier damage caused by RF overdrive, overvoltage,
reverse polarity, corrosion, acts of God, adverse environment,
transmitting into >2:1 SWR, etc., is NOT covered by warranty!
Prices are confirmed for all RM amplifiers in stock!
Warranty strictly covers only manufacturing faults!
Warranty cover is NOT insurance cover, of course.
We quote and accept Australian dollars only!


 TOPTEK is Taiwan's BEST amateur radio
HF, VHF & UHF amplifier manufacturer!

Free freight Australia-wide on all models!

Most TOPTEK amplifiers have a receive preamplifier.
Warranty is one year and excludes RF o/p devices.
All TOPTEK amplifiers listed here require 13.8Vdc.
Linears amplify all modes with minimal distortion.
Almost all TOPTEK amplifiers are linear amplifiers.
TOPTEK amplifiers have a very well-proven and
excellent reliability record over many years!

Before switching the PA-500WH amplifier "on"
please check that the PA-500WH's rear panel
mount PTT on/off control switch is set to OFF.
We supplied MGF-1302 GaAsFETs to TOPTEK!
All prices are subject to change without notice
or obligation due to exchange rate variations.
Warranty does not cover damage caused by
RF over-drive, excessive swr, over-voltage,
reverse voltage, static or lightning damage,
>50% duty cycle, adverse environment, etc.!

New 500W RF o/p 1.8~30MHz linear amplifier!


(was A$1799)

Appearance of amplifier may vary from illustration above but
the specifications, performance & circuitry remain the same.
Toptek normally mounts large cooling fan inside PA-500WHs.

Free freight Australia-wide!

The TOPTEK PA-500WH is a high output solid-state amateur radio HF/MF linear amplifier!
Maximum RF output is approximately 500W
on CW or 600W on SSB for 100W input.

The TOPTEK PA-500WH employs 4 x 2SC2879
(100W+ SSB output each @ -30dB 3IMD)
RF power transistors in push-pull/parallel.

We recommend using a set of external switchable band pass filters covering the 160m~10m bands to reduce harmonic output when operating below 28MHz/10m.

Requires 13.8Vdc @ up to 80A peak current.
Size; 195w x 100h x 285d mm. Weight; 4kg.
Inbuilt thermostatically controlled fan.
Maximum RF drive of 100W on SSB.

Our optional Manson SPS-9600 60A @ 13.8Vdc
power supply can be used with PA-500WH if
PA-500WH is not driven to absolute max. o/p.
Carrier operate relay tx switching (RF VOX).

Before switching the PA-500WH amplifier "on" please check
that the PA-500WH's rear panel mount PTT on/off control
switch is set to OFF so the Carrier Operate Relay operates.
This COR/PTT control switch is fitted to some PA-500WHs.

If your PA-500WH has its large cooling fan mounted inside
the amplifier on the inside of the bottom cover panel then
it will have a 3.5mm mono socket fitted on the rear panel,
not a PTT/COR toggle switch. This socket allows remote PTT
control of the amplifier via a 3.5mm plug and lead assembly!

The PA-500 series of amplifiers were created by TOPTEK at our
request. We requested 2SC2879 transistors be fitted, operational
bandwidth to be expanded to 1.8~30MHz at low input SWR, largest
fan size possible to be mounted inside or on top of the amplifier, new
front panel silk screening, improved amplifier protection circuits, etc.



2m band 350W RF output linear amplifier!


Place your order with deposit!

Free freight Australia-wide!

New TOPTEK PA-350V 2m band 350W RF output
linear amplifier features low noise (<2dB NF),
20dB gain, 2SC3356 receive preamplifier with
bandpass filtering. Preamp is optimised for 135~165MHz with -40dB attenuation <30MHz
to minimise HF interference. Three selectable
RF power o/p levels. User can edit settings.
New front panel design has LCD metering of
RF input/output power, etc. Protections; SWR,
overdrive, temperature and high/low DC.
ALC set at 360W o/p. Bypass 50W max.
Thermistor controlled dual fans.

Selectable maximum RF drive levels of 15W & 25W. Requires 13.8Vdc @ typically 48A. Select PTT/COR.
Features N-type sockets for RF input and output.

Size; 184w x 90h x 350d mm. Weighs ~3kg.


2m band 200W RF output linear amplifier!


Place your order with deposit!

Free freight Australia-wide!

PA-200V/C 2m band 200W RF output linear
amplifier features a low noise (<2dB NF),
20dB gain, 2SC3356 receive preamplifier.
Requires 13.8Vdc at up to 28A peak current.
Dimensions; 183w x 78h x 280d mm.
 Has 2 x 2SC2782 (80W output ea. @ low IMD)
RF power transistors in parallel. Weighs 2.8kg.
SO-239s for RF input and RF output.

Maximum RF drive of 30W in SSB or
FM/CW modes for 200W RF output!

Do NOT drive with 50W RF power!!


NEW UHF band 150W RF output linear amplifier!



Free freight Australia-wide!

PA-150U-05 UHF band linear power amplifier.
RF output is up to 150W for 5W max. RF input.
Toptek's PA-150U-05 is a two-stage UHF linear
amplifier having 3 selectable RF power output
levels of 40W (L), 80W (M) & 140~150W (Hi).

Extensive protections for RF over-drive, high
SWR, DC over-voltage and over-temperature.
Two N-type female coaxial connectors fitted.

PA-150U-05 features a low noise, 10dB gain,
2SC3356 receive preamplifier and two fans
(temperature controlled). A multi-function
2-line LCD displays RF power output, RF
power input, Lo/Hi RF o/p levels & SWR.

Requires 13.8Vdc at ~30A.
Maximum RF drive of 5W!

Up to 150W output for 5W maximum input...

Size; 180 w x 90 h x 285 d mm. Weighs ~3kg.

High power output RF transistors & FETs

 Limited stock of some solid-state RF power devices

MRF-255, MRF-455, SD1446, 2SC2879 & 2SC2904
RF power transistors are normally in stock!

It's essential to replace faulty RF power devices in pairs where pairs are fitted, so as to ensure best reliability!
Therefore, we sell some RF transistors only in pairs!

Listed prices apply to EACH transistor (not each pair)!

List below updated 14-10-24

Type Price $(AUD)
Bold type indicates product is either in stock or due soon.
List information is subject to to change without notice or obligation.
Contact us for latest info
MRF150 (Macom brand) $119 each
MRF-247 80W VHF $119 each
MRF-255 55W HF/6m (Alinco, Japan)

Sold only in pairs
$149 each transistor!

Limited stock!

MRF-455 60W HF (RM Italy)

Sold only in pairs
$99 each transistor!

MRF-630 $69 each transistor
MRF-648 $119 each transistor
MRF-650 60W UHF  $119 each transistor
RD70VHF1 $119 each transistor
SD1446 70W HF (RM Italy & Toptek, Taiwan)

Sold only in pairs
$99 each transistor!

SRF2072 60W HF $69 each
2SC2097 80W HF $99 each transistor
2SC2381 UHF driver $119 each transistor
2SC2695 UHF $99 each transistor
2SC2879 100W HF (Toptek, Taiwan)

Sold only in pairs
$99 each transistor!

2SC2904 100W HF (Alinco, Japan)

Sold only in pairs

$129 each transistor

Limited stock!
2SC2905 45W UHF $79 each transistor
2SC4989 60W UHF $129 each transistor!
It's essential to replace faulty RF power devices in pairs where pairs are fitted in an amplifier, so as to maintain best amplifier reliability! This is because, in most instances, only one RF power device may measure faulty when measuring device resistances with a multimeter BUT the other device is often partially damaged re its RF performance. Therefore, in the following weeks or months of operation, the partially damaged device is quite likely to fail which then causes the newly replaced device to also fail due to this unbalanced sharing of RF output power. This means that BOTH RF devices MUST then be replaced!!

In amplifiers which have, say, four RF power devices in a push-pull/parallel configuration of two push-pull amplifier pairs in parallel, each employing two RF power devices, the "port to port" isolation between each push-pull amplifier is usually sufficient (>-30dB) to prevent one damaged amplifier from damaging the other amplifier.
This means that, in most instances, only ONE pair of transistors in one push-pull amplifier will need replacing, NOT both pairs.

"Port to port" isolation increases by about 10dB when employing solid bendable coaxial lines between each push-pull amplifier. Such coaxial lines are sometimes seen in high-specification UHF amplifiers. 

Other types may be available to order. Please ask us for details.
HF specification transistors listed above are sold only in pairs.
All transistors are subject to availability.
RF power modules

Minimum order value A$20.00

Type Price $(AUD)
Many types us to order P.O.A

Minimum order value A$20.00!
Very limited or no stock of some items

Type Price $(AUD)
MGF1302. Has extra low NF (noise figure).
Plenty in stock as @ 29-06-21
Plenty in stock
3SK121Y $19.00
Andrews DX-1600 series of linear amplifiers

The DX-1600 is a class AB1 passive grid high power RF amplifier using the Svetlana 4CX-1600B external anode ceramic tetrode valve. This amplifier is a combination of the latest technology, the best components and state of the art circuit design. The result is truly world class.

We are currently not manufacturing these amplifiers and regret that we have no stock of them. We occasionally have good used examples in stock.

The 4CX1600B is an extremely rugged, high gain and highly linear valve made in Russia. These factors made this Svetlana valve and also the GU-91b our first choice for consistent and excellent performance with low drive and very high RF output power.


  • Frequency range: 1.8 through 29.7Mhz inc. the three WARC bands.
  • Circuit type: Passive grid, class AB1, pre-biasing, etc.
  • Cooling method: Dual speed fan forced air ducting and cooling
  • Dimensions: 500mm x 500mm x 225mm
  • Input impedance: 50 ohms unbalanced
  • Modes: SSB, CW, AM, FM, RTTY and SSTV
  • Output impedance: 50 ohms, unbalanced
  • Plate voltage: 3.2kV, approximately
  • Power requirement: AC 240V, 50Hz @ 16A maximum current
  • Electron valve: Svetlana 4CX-1600B -or- GU91b tetrode x 1 pc.
  • Protection: Amplified ALC, over grid current alarm, over temperature alarm, soft and stepped AC start-up & AC input safety interlock.
  • RF connectors: Two UHF (SO-239) sockets.
  • RF input: Less than 100W for full RF output.
  • RF output: Approximately 2000W SSB, 1500W CW.
  • Weight: 36Kg, approximately


ALPHA linear amplifiers operate only within the authorised amateur radio bands. They do not have continuous frequency coverage across 3~30MHz!

Australia's only Alpha factory-authorised direct importer!

Our authorised sales and service area encompasses Asia (inc. Japan & China), Pacific, Oceania, Australia and N.Z.

Four year warranty on amplifiers, one year on tubes!

Please contact us for current pricing!!

All quoted prices are subject to change without notice
or obligation due to recent exchange rate variations!

Learn more

ALPHA 9500
Automatic tuning/loading 1.5kW RF output HF linear amplifier!

Automatic built-in Pi-L tuner matches up to 3:1 antenna SWR

Utilises one rugged 3CX-1500A7/8877 triode!

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

  • One 3CX-1500A7 type triode rated at 1.5kW of plate dissipation
  • Delivers 1.5kW RF output across all 1.8~29.7MHz amateur bands
  • "No time limit" amplification at 100% duty cycle in all modes!
  • Requires only 45~60W of drive for full RF power output
  • Has two Gigavac vacuum relays which allow full QSK operation
  • Features Alpha's time proven 3.5kVA Hypersil transformer
  • Auto-tuning Pi-L matching network safely handles up to 3:1 SWR.
  • Bypass circuit is rated to a comfortable 500W RF power level
  • Inbuilt Bruene type RF wattmeter accurately indicates forward and reverse RF power on the front panel's bar graph meters
  • Front panel meters also indicate plate voltage, plate current, amplifier gain, grid current, filament voltage and RF p.e.p. output
  • Microprocessor controlled. Serial and USB ports allow remote monitoring and performance data logging
  • Weight; 34.5kg. Dimensions; 44.5cm w x 19cm h x 50.1cm d.



ALPHA 8410

Manual tuning 1.5kW RF output HF linear amplifier

Manual built-in Pi-L tuner matches up to 3:1 antenna SWR

Utilises TWO 4CX-1500B tetrodes in parallel!

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

  • TWO 4CX-1500B tetrodes provide a total plate dissipation of 3kW!
  • Delivers 1.5kW RF output across all 1.8~29.7MHz amateur bands
  • "No time limit" amplification at 100% duty cycle in all modes!
  • Requires only 50~55W of drive for full RF power output
  • Features Alpha's time proven 3.5kVA Hypersil transformer
  • Pi-L matching network safely handles up to 3:1 swr.
  • Bypass circuit is rated to 500W
  • Inbuilt Bruene type RF wattmeter accurately indicates forward and reverse RF power on the front panel's bar graph meters
  • Front panel meters also indicate plate voltage, plate current, amplifier gain and normal or overdriven grid current
  • Microprocessor controlled. Serial and USB ports allow remote monitoring and performance data logging
  • Weight; 34.5kg. Dimensions; 44.5cm w x 19cm h x 50.1cm d.


MIRAGE 6m, 2m & 70cm amateur radio RF amplifiers

Prices listed are subject to change without notice
or obligation due to exchange rate variations!
Listed prices are subject to confirmation.

Most Mirage amplifiers have a GaAsFET high gain
(15~20dB), low noise (1~1.3dB NF), receive preamp.
All Mirage amplifiers listed here require 13.8Vdc. Almost
all Mirage amplifiers are linear amplifiers. Linear amplifiers
amplify all modes (SSB, AM, etc.) with minimal distortion.


MIRAGE A-1015G 6m 10W RF input --> 150W RF
output linear amplifier w/GaAsFET receive preamp

6m 150W RF output
(50~52MHz only)

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE B-34G 2m 2W RF input --> 35W RF
output linear amplifier w/GaAsFET receive preamp

2m 35W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE B-310G 2m 3W RF input --> 100W RF
output linear amplifier w/GaAsFET receive preamp

2m 100W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE B-5018G 2m 50W RF input --> 160W RF
output linear amplifier w/GaAsFET receive preamp

2m 160W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE B-2518G 2m 25W RF input --> 160W RF
output linear amplifier w/GaAsFET receive preamp

2m 160W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE B-1018G 2m 10W RF input --> 160W RF
output linear amplifier w/GaAsFET receive preamp

2m 160W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE B-320G 2m 50W RF input --> 200W RF
output linear amplifier w/GaAsFET receive preamp

2m 200W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE D-3010N 70cm 30W RF input --> 100W RF
output linear amplifier w/N-connector

70cm 100W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE D-1010N 70cm 10W RF input --> 100W RF
output linear amplifier w/N-connector

70cm 100W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


MIRAGE D-3010NR 70cm 12W RF input --> 80W RF
output REPEATER linear amplifier w/N-connector

70cm 80W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


 2m 5W RF input --> 45W RF output or
70cm 5W RF input --> 35 W RF output
dual-band FM/CW non-linear amplifier

2m 45W RF output
70cm 35W RF output

Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!


Order w/deposit required for all MIRAGE amplifier models.
Several more MIRAGE amplifier models are also available...
Some amplifiers may require special order or be discontinued.

All listed prices are indicative and subject to confirmation!
Above pricing is based on seafreight shipping from USA to us.
Please add A$100 per amplifier if you want one airmailed from USA.
Photos are not necessarily representative of actual amplifier models.
Amplifier pricing is subject to change due to exchange rate variations.


amateur radio HF, VHF and UHF linear amplifiers

Factory direct importer


Baojie BJ-450U

UHF band 45~50W RF output FM/CW amplifier

***Outstanding value***


Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

UHF band (430~480MHz) 40~50W FM/CW RF power amplifier (class-C).
Tuning required for best operation within a 10MHz bandwidth. 
Output power; 50W FM/CW.
Maximum drive; 5W FM/CW.
Requires 13.8V @ 10A average current, 15A~ peak
Dimensions; 109w x 225d x 35h mm

Baojie BJ-150V

VHF 2m band 45~50W RF output FM/CW RF amplifier


Pricing and availability will be listed here when confirmed!

2m band (144~148MHz) 45~50W FM/CW RF power amplifier (Class-C).
Output power; 50W FM/CW.
Maximum drive; 5W FM/CW.
Requires 13.8V @ 10A average current, 15A~ peak
Dimensions; 109w x 225d x 35h mm

All prices are subject to change due to exchange rate variations.
Linear amplifier manufacturers do not manufacture valves/tubes,
transistors, FETs ("active devices") for their amplifiers. They buy
such active devices from specialised manufacturers. It's rare for
linear amplifier manufacturers to fit active devices branded with
the same brand as the linear amplifier manufacturer themselves.
We stock ONLY the linear amplifier models listed on this page. 
Some other linear amplifiers may be available on special order
once we receive your deposit or full payment, as applicable.
The customer is responsible for freight charges BOTH ways
(i.e. from you to us and from us to you) re amplifier repairs.
Believe it or not, we have received some enquiries whereby
the enquirer assumes we will provide warranty repair service
at no cost for amplifiers they intend to purchase overseas
or from internet auction websites, whether or not we are
the authorised Australian agent for that brand of amplifier.
Any such repairs, if accepted, are chargeable, of course!
Some solid-state linears are not supplied with DC cables. 

Amateur radio HF(+) solid-state linear amplifiers having
ALC fitted are Ameritron ALS-600 (HF) & ALS-1300 (HF)
& also RM Italy BLA-600 (HF/6m) & BLA-1200 (HF/6m).
Prices confirmed for linear amplifiers currently in stock.
We reserve the right to refuse chargeable or warranty
repair service regarding any/all products which have
been purchased elsewhere, whether or not we are
the authorised Australian agent for those products.

We can explain amateur radio linear amplifiers to you.
Your antenna MUST be rated to accept the RF power
output of the linear amplifier you intend purchasing!!
All our linear amplifiers are rated to 50% duty cycle!
Damage caused by transmitting high power into low
power rated antennas is not covered by any warranty!
Please note that almost all amateur linear amplifiers
will operate ONLY within specified amateur band/s!
Warranty does not cover RF overdriving, of course!
We mail order worldwide. Contact us now to order!

Please choose products carefully or firstly ask us re their
suitability, as lately we have noticed more customers are
ordering incorrect, non-matching or unsuitable products
for their application and/or performance expectations.


Andrews Communications Systems
Shop 8, 41-51 Bathurst St, Greystanes, NSW 2145
Telephone: (02) 9636 9060, (02) 9688 4301, (02) 9896 8972